Sun-dried tomatoes' sundry thoughts

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Who's the good guy?

United 93 is a fictional docu-drama weaved from some shattered pieces of memories. At the end, I had questions about the accuracy of the plot, but I still thought the screenplay and direction made it an effective movie. All in all, it's a calculated commercial movie that told a heroic story. (warning: excessive use of hand-held camera may cause motion sickness)

I had reservations on the official US government reports about the 911 attack. There is no justification for the anti-terrorist war. Sometimes conspiracy theories are more believable than the official announcements.

Who can we trust? Governments are about wealth and power. Some claimed to be pro-human rights religions are not all that innocent and have their own agenda under the covers.

Looks like the loose change video had generated sufficient attentions that someone decides to stand up against the questionable arguments. See: Screw loose change

After watching all these documentaries, do we have a better idea who's good and who's bad?
We believe what we want to, don't we? Like always, if there is truth, I think it lies somewhere between the 2 camps.

Go watch Loose change 2E on Google:

5 years after the incident, nothing was settled.


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