Sun-dried tomatoes' sundry thoughts

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Galileo - Suspect X

Galileo - Suspect X is a detective story.
The story is quite simple. The plot had some holes in it and the worst thing was the smart didn't seem too smart. The only possible reason for all that was done might be 'blinded by love'.

The acting was convincing though. I was not too sure if I could grasp all the emotional changes of the characters, the acting made me wanted to watch till the end.

Well, I wouldn't say the lunch box store owner was anywhere near to be called a pretty woman. She's petite ok, but it's just to hard to swallow that. She's a good actress, just that the director forgot to change some of the lines to make the dialogue match with the visuals.


I like Kevin Spacey.

Although the title is 21, 21 is more a teenage movie. It's probably aimed for kids that's 12 year-old, not 21.

It's plot is similar to Risky Business. Not as sexy as the girl next door. The characters supposed to be MIT students, yet they are still the same high school kids next door.

It started out okay. Maybe the movie was not make for me, I just could not justify why someone broke the agreement could take revenge. Yes, Prof Micky was a con artist, but Jim was also a card counter who kidnapped the business funds for gambling. It's fair to pay for your choice of steering the plan off track. Jim wanted to get even and fight back. But for what!

Yes, Jim did apologized. Was that good enough? I don't think so. He deserved all the punishment he received but instead he blamed it on others. Probably written by some teenagers for some teenagers.